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What to Expect

Please set aside up to 45 minutes for your initial visit and we ask you arrive 10 minutes early to your appointment. We get you to complete a thorough patient history form, then conduct a thorough assessment and evaluation of your condition/s. Additionally, we may review old x-rays and reports if necessary.

We may check your blood pressure, reflexes, sensation, muscle strength and posture first. We will then move onto more specific testing, using movements to detect where the true site of pain is coming from. You will be shown exactly what it is that is causing your pain and/or postural abnormality with the aid of models of the human skeleton and wall charts specific to your condition.

We will go through a recommended program of care outlining the treatment frequency, goals and outcome measures to assess improvements. Then we will get to making you better and provide your first treatment.

New Patient Forms

If you wish to complete your intake form prior to your first appointment,
please download below (non-editable PDF) and bring to your appointment or
email to:

*If not – please arrive 10 minutes early to your first appointment to complete paperwork at the clinic.

New Patient Intake Form – Adult

New Patient Intake Form – Child

doctor pointing to xray.Generally the second visit focuses on how your body has adapted since the first visit. Your Osborne Park Chiropractor will ask specific questions related to pain level, activities of daily living, improvements in movement and ambulation etc. Then we will go through some general movements and palpate the spine and its structures to detect mis-alignment, or if you have an extremity injury we will assess that joint for tenderness, swelling, ranges of motion and pain. We may use therapeutic ultrasound or interferential, TENS, heat/cold compresses and massage techniques before chiropractic manipulative therapy. You will also be given your rehab and exercise prescriptive routine. The average visit time is about 30-45 minutes.

The remaining sessions shall usually be spread over the next few weeks, we are not in the business of making people return 3 times each week for the rest of their lives and wish to get you back to health eventually on a monthly maintenance care. The average visit time is about 30-45 minutes.

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What to Expect | (08) 9204 1010