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Workers Compensation Treatment Plans

construction worker in painIn our state, if you suffer an on-the-job injury, your employer has the right to send you to the doctor that they choose. This may put the doctor in the difficult position of trying to serve two masters. In exchange for a steady stream of patients, the doctor may be tempted to minimize your injuries!

More and more medical doctors are discovering the benefits of chiropractic care and will make the needed referral. Bottom line? If you’re hurt at work, we can help you untangle the benefits you are entitled to.

We work closely with you and your other medical team players to get you started on the correct treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs.

Workers are essential to our economy and in times of financial turmoil, we need to get the workforce fit and keep them safe and well more than ever. It’s your employer’s duty to provide a safe work environment.

Corrective and Rehabilitative Care

Our Perth chiropractic clinic provides the corrective and rehabilitative care necessary to return you to work in the fastest possible time. We’ll give you a diagnosis, outline the recommended course of treatment: including treatment frequency and provide a tailored rehabilitation plan including stretches and rehab exercises.

At Complete Care Health, our workers compensation plan is effective, realistic and readily available to residents in the WA and Perth area.

Schedule a Consultation

Give our clinic a call and ask for help. If you need to get a referral ask your GP or work place safety department and we’ll take care of the rest. Call us now if you have a work related injury.


Workers Compensation Treatment Plans in Perth WA | (08) 9204 1010