Sports Physiotherapy Perth
If you are an athlete returning to a sport, seeing a physiotherapist who can tailor a rehab program to your goals helps you get back to your sport, not only pain free, but also with a reduced risk of re-injury.
Rehabilitation is necessary for athletes to bridge the gap between time away from the sport and competing at a high level.
Types of Athletes We See
At Complete Care Health, we see athletes across the spectrum. These include those who practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu, mixed martial artists, soccer players, runners, tennis players, golfers, swimmers, powerlifters, and bodybuilders.
What to Expect
After completing our intake forms, you will meet with one of our physiotherapists, who will perform a thorough assessment, explain what they found, and devise a customised care plan to meet your needs and goals.
Why do sports teams have in-house physiotherapists?
Typically, sports teams will have an in-house physiotherapist to oversee the players at the club; this could be at training or on match days. The main focus is on diagnosing, managing, and addressing acute, sub-acute or chronic issues. The physio will liaise with the medical staff and the manager to inform them of time frames for return to sport or recommendations regarding injury management on and off the field.
How often should an athlete see a physiotherapist?
If the goal is to return to amateur sport, then that might take fewer sessions per week/month than a professional or semi-professional athlete who wants to return to multiple training sessions per week.
Will regular visits and strengthening prevent sports injuries?
There is strong evidence that a progressive strength/rehabilitation training program decreases the risk of sports injuries recurring, as long as it is progressive and overload is not applied too quickly.
What might a physiotherapist do to improve performance?
A physiotherapist can assess any weaknesses that need strengthening, and tailor the rehab to mimic the sport.
Book an Appointment
We want to help you get out of pain, so you can be at your athletic best. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Sports Physiotherapy Perth WA | (08) 9204 1010